World Cup: 14 Dos And Don’ts For Fans While In Qatar - World Cup Update

World Cup: 14 Dos And Don’ts For Fans While In Qatar - World Cup Update

               World Cup: 14 Dos And Don’ts For Fans While In Qatar - World Cup Update

14 Dos And Don’ts For Fans While In Qatar

The 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup got underway today in Qatar, with hosts Qatar losing the opening match 2-0 to Ecuador, thus making history as the first hosts to lose the opening game.

That’s talking about on the pitch action.  However off the pitch  fans and stakeholders who have converged on the beautiful Gulf nation will be looking out not only to enjoy the game of football, the reason for the season but also to enjoy the city goodies and all it has to offer.

14 Dos And Don’ts For Fans While In Qatar

Such experiences linger in the mind for a long time especially if the experiences are pleasant.

While in Qatar however and while the global soccer fiesta lasts, here are 14 rules according to authorities you must observe for the good of the game, for your own good and good of all:

  • Do not possess or drink alcohol in public areas
  • Avoid showing affection in public places
  • It is prohibited to ingest or circulate narcotics
  • Avoid unlicensed massage parlours and suspicious
  • For the sake of your privacy, please respect the privacy of others while photographing
  • Please preserve public property
  • Do not celebrate in places not designated for this purpose in order not to disturb others
  • Remember that you are in a state of tolerance. As such, you must respect the state’s culture where the contempt of religions and all kinds of discrimination and political disputes are prohibited
  • Show good sportsmanship and stay away from sports fanaticism.
  • It is recommended to save the taxi side number or plate number or keep the payment receipt to make it easier to find any missing items
  • It is not allowed to use smoke flares
  • Do not leave luggage in public areas
  • If you wish to organise recreational activities, please refer to competent authorities for necessary permits and approval

What is the popular saying? If you are in Rome what do you do? You behave like the Romans pure and simple!

On the pitch tomorrow Monday November 21, England face Iran, Senegal battle Netherlands and USA slug it out with Wales.


Sunday Sportainement